Wednesday, August 14, 2013


The Ocean Exploration, Remote Sensing, Biogeography (ORB) Lab at the University of Delaware has been conducting a project to monitor sand tiger sharks with the following mission statement:

"Many shark species in the Atlantic Ocean are experiencing drastic population declines. In order to better manage these populations, we need to understand where sharks migrate, and what oceanographic conditions constrain their movements. Working with researchers from the University of Rhode Island and Delaware State University, we are modeling tiger shark movements and habitat selection based on electronic satellite tag and satellite measured surface ocean data. We are also researching sand tiger shark presence and habitat selection in the Delaware Bay using acoustic telemetry. In addition, we are employing the use of pop-off satellite archival tags, and mobile transceivers in order to research the species assemblages encountered by sand tiger sharks while they are migrating along the Eastern Seaboard."

Last month, a crew from the lab attempted to recapture some of the tagged sharks. They baited the hook with a menhaden, which attracted a 3' dogfish, which was then easily swallowed whole by the predator they were after. "[W]e were not expecting to catch her like this!" exclaimed the crew when they posted the above photo on Facebook.


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