Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Tarring and feathering Coincidentally, my friend Megan also watched the first episode of the "John Adams" series this weekend. She writes, "The tarring and feathering scene was horrifying! I was definitely curious about it - wondering whether it was fatal or not - thanks for the post!"

Rasputin's death Megan also remarked that she has always been fascinated by Rasputin and Nicodemus, and supplied this link where they intersect with her love of hamsters - which are often the subject of her own blog Off the Wheel!

Emmett Kelly After posting the story of this incredible coincidence, I followed up to report that I had heard from Emmett Kelly's daughter's husband Steve. He has now kindly supplied a photograph: Here are Steve and Stasia, so that we can put names with faces. Thanks, Steve!

Designer legs Rivalling Aimee Mullins' 12 pairs of prosthetic legs, Judy Stanley has 11 pairs - because she has lost weight and needed to scale down.
Zeppelin I mentioned the airplane graveyard in Tucson, Arizona, in my post about a new zeppelin. Here is a link that includes photos and details about graveyards around the world for other large pieces of machinery.

Elephants eat Christmas trees! This post included a photo of a baby elephant, so I follow up with this photo of another adorable baby that my sister sent me yesterday.

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