Friday, November 11, 2011

Death scholar

Congratulations to my friend Angie (a.k.a. Antler)! She was awarded a Master of Arts in Religion: The Rhetoric and Rituals of Death from the University of Winchester. Depicted above at her graduation ceremony on Wednesday, Angie was kind enough to tag me when she posted photos on-line. I was present in the form of the bag she is carrying when she picked up her regalia (4th image): a backpack handcrafted by me from a repetitive skull fabric (also note the pattern on her shirt). After I sent her the bag, she reciprocated with these fossils.


  1. And a most excellent bag it was too! The first thing that caught my eye as Angie greeted me on the day! A really lovely gift, which I know was very meaningful to her and much appreciated.

    Doesn't she look just grand?

  2. Congratulations Angie for your achievement! I'm wishing all the best and have a successful career. Thanks buddy for sharing these pictures with us.
    urgent care


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