Thursday, October 15, 2009


I've let these pile up again, so here's the 1st segment of 2 or more...
Piper negrum 9/24/09 Man arrested for sneezing fetish.
Pig butchering 9/1/09 Another painting has been restored to reveal a surprise.
World's heaviest insects 8/28/09 A "hotdog-sized" caterpillar found in Florida pool.
Messel pit 8/24/09 Dinosaur fossils found in China have the earliest known feathers. And feather fossils found in Messel have vivid iridescent colors.
Mona Lisa(s) 8/12/09 Mona Lisa comes to life in Beijing. A list f Mona Lisa parodies was published a week after my post.
Victor Noir 8/10/09 The vault above Marilyn Monroe, mentioned in a follow-up to this post, has been sold to the highest bidder.
Castaways, real and imagined 8/6/09 Treehouses have become a trend in France.
Strange stories about teeth 7/13/09 A pacu fish, like the one in this post, has been living in the same pet store for 41 years.
Oscar Mayer dies 7/9/09 Ohio State University graduate hired to drive the weinermobile.
Two of a kind 6/12/09 Photo of a 1-year-old echidna.
Pied Piper of Hamelin 5/5/09 The rats have finally been eradicated from Alaska's Rat Island.
Prosimians 4/25/09 Lemurs killed as bush meat.
Vlad the Impaler 4/11/09 A sequel to Dracula by Bram Stoker's great-grandnephew has been published.
Robo-animals 4/9/09 A box turtle gets substitutes for its missing legs. A duckling that had fractured its leg was given a sandal, but has since died.
Kunstkammer 3/21/09 More dentistry: the dentures of George Washington.
Camelopard 3/6/09 Art project to collect 1 million handmade images of giraffes.
Snake handlers 2/21/09 Snakebite victims in India die because they do not seek treatment in time, believing that charmers can counteract the toxin.
Killer chimpanzees 2/17/09 The defense tactic in the lawsuit about the chimp attack in Connecticut.
Corpse flower 1/30/09 Scientists measure the cost and benefit of the diet of carnivorous plants and analyze the chemical contents of the pitcher plant's fluid.
Birds and dogs 12/15/09 Maori legend about a man-eating bird has been proven true.
Albinos 11/18/09 Trainer gets in the water with albino alligator. A photo of the strange-looking axolotl - this one an albino - that is nearing extinction.
Animal extinction 11/9/09 Biologists discover 163 new species in China, all at risk of extinction, and paleontologists wonder if we will ever run out of new dinosaur species to discover.

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