Friday, June 13, 2014

Reverse mummification

Forensic odontologist Alejandro Hernández Cárdenas of the Ciudad Juárez Forensic Science Laboratory has made a name for himself by rehydrating the bodies of the victims of crimes that go back yearś. It has become standard practice to inject glycerin into individual digits to reconstitute them for fingerprinting, but Hernández Cárdenas has developed a technique for reconstituting entire corpses. He immerses the bodies of the victims of violence in his Mexican border city that were stored or buried without being identified. His secret formula raises features on the skin including the prints, any tattoos or birthmarks, and lesions, and returns the internal organs almost to their condition at death. So far, his work has resulted in only a handful of identifications and solved crimes, and he tries to keep a low profile to be avoid becoming a target himself. But forensic scientists from around the world have taken note and he has applied for a patent. He began developing his formula in 2002, using ears and fingers from the lab that he placed in glass jars. When he arrived at work one morning, he found that one of the fingers had perfectly rehydrated and thought his co-workers were playing a trick on him. but he learned that his experiments had paid off when they assured him, We don’t mess with your filthiness.”


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