Joanna Ebenstein's fascinating blog Morbid Anatomy is what inspired me to begin a blog of my own, and I told her so. While we never managed to meet before I moved to Florida, we have mutual admiration and more than a few friends in common. For years now, Joanna has opened her extensive library in Brooklyn, New York, to like-minded people, and has hosted lectures and workshops on subjects including post-mortem photography, 18th c. Italian anatomical waxes, and Victorian hair art. Now, thanks to a successful Kickstarter campaign, she has moved her collection into larger quarters, added a special exhibition of daguerreotypes and paintings owned by writer and collector Stanley Burns, and officially opened to the public as of Friday night. At the corner of 3rd Avenue and 7th Street, you will be privvy to countless items of medical history and mourning culture ranging from the 18th to 20th centuries (PHOTOS HERE). But unlike your typical museum, not all of the items on display are labeled. Ebenstein explains to The Verge, "I like to experience the aesthetic and the feeling of it [without] imposing too much."
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