Monday, November 19, 2012

Machu Picchu megapixels

They intended to photograph the Inca citadel at 30 gigapixels, but even at about half that, the resulting image of Machu Picchu (HERE) is the highest resolution of any of the ancient site ever captured. "In 2008, the World Monuments Fund placed Machu Picchu on its Watch List of the 100 Most Endangered Sites in the world because of environmental degradation due to tourism. Beautiful, historical and threatened, I believe that this remarkable site deserved a remarkable photo.  I think that this image can help preserve this amazing place and bring more awareness to the site, its history and its endangered state." Here are the details:

Size: 15.9 gigapixels (297,500 x 87,500 pixels)
Camera (photos and videos here, "Making of..." video here) : A GigaPan robotic camera mount, Canon 7D camera, and Canon 400mm lens for the panorama, which consists of 1,920 individual photographs. Taken with a low ISO, but a fast shutter speed of 1/640. "Visitors [to the website] will be able to zoom in and out and move up or down, change their view – similar to Google Street View maps - but with tons more resolution."
Photographer: Jeff Cremer, photo tour director of Rainforest Expeditions  (1st image), who pinpoints his favorite detail as the person standing on top of a mountain in the background. “Before I explored the image I never even knew that it was possible to climb up there.” He was assisted by Destin of Smarter Every Day and sound engineer Gordon McGladdery (2nd image), plus additional help. "My friend Eric Hanson from Xrez Studios did the stitching for me.  Paul Heckbert uploaded the picture for me and Susan Thesing was a great help by coordinating everything with gigapan. Without these people the image would not have been possible."

Hi Ellen!
Peruvian posts:

*This post refers to Paul Koudounaris, who wrote The Empire of Death.

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