Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Souliers historiques

On the 219th anniversary of the beheading of French queen Marie Antoinette (1755-1793), something she wore on the other end made news - her shoes! A pair estimated at €8,000-10,000 sold at auction by Olivier Coutau-Bégarie for €43,225 (£36,000, $56,000). The shoes are green and pink silk with wooden heels and a pointed toe. They measured 24cm long x 6cm wide x 10cm high (click image above for complete catalog, video here). The king allowed Marie Antoinette to indulge her extravagant taste for fashion to such a degree that she spent twice her budget and was nicknamed "Madame Deficit" by the public. She was believed to have worn this pair during the Fête de la Fédération on July 14, 1790, the 1st celebration of Bastille Day. They had been a gift from Alexander Bernard Ju-Des-Retz (1752-1837), a servant at Versailles, and were handed down in the family ever since.
Fashion backward:


  1. This was such a fantastic post that for my Oct. 21st post, I repeated the photo and pointed to the information you had found, with credit and a link to your site. Thought I should mention it; these are both beautiful and, given the historical context, disturbing.


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